A thousand years have passed since the last defenders of Earth made the ultimate sacrifice to rid the world of the Demon race that razed all lands. In that time, the world has recovered and what went before is all but forgotten.
Those who stayed true to the Light though, live by prophecies handed down generation to generation, for they know the real test is yet to come.
When Darkness falls without reprieve
and the Hearts of good men quail.
When Nightmare walks the Ways at will,
Courage and Hope will fail.
From out the Wood where Light endures
Will come the One at need.
On Razer’s edge will Deeds be judged
and the Fate of all Decreed.
In the first volume of this epic struggle, young Alaena and her companions must overcome all obstacles and survive to find and accept legacies left for them a millennia ago by Masters who bent the powers of Light and Lore to their will.
Can she and her companions recover powers lost in time and use them to claim their birthrights before Evil can plunge Earth into darkness once more?
Some things Dave is into ...

The Lightweilder Chronicles
Thanks for visiting my site. I really appreciate you dropping in and taking some time to find out about myself and my fantasy fiction trilogy, the Lightwielder Chronicles.
Earth is the first book in the series, which will be followed by Fire (already underway) then Light to bring the Chronicles to their stunning conclusion! A tale unto itself, Earth sets the stage for an epic battle of good vs evil that spans world, race, time and space.
Working a full time job and raising a family doesn’t leave much room for the time consuming and very cerebral yet incredibly rewarding pursuit of writing, so this book has been many years in the making. When you have a passion for something though, somehow you find the time to get it done, so I’m really proud to say book one is complete and I truly hope you enjoy reading it as much as I have writing it for you!